The origininal plan for this holiday season was much different than what is actually taking place. But due to a buy out at Tom's work, we ended up not having nearly enough time off for what we actually wanted to do. Instead, we opted to spend Thanksgiving week in Florida, which happens to be where my uncle Steve has been for almost a year now. So here we are, a whole week off with no schedules to accomidate and no need to figure out how to fit all that laundery in between work shifts. No promises that i will blog daily, i can't even manage to blog monthly! But today has been so much fun I just had to share it. The real fun started a few weeks ago. We really wanted a convertible but wanted to be fiscally responsible too (I want furniture for my formal living room, its been empty for a year!). Finally we decided to give it up, it really was that much more espensive, and we were just going to get a regular car. We could always upgrade when we got there if we changed our minds. At the last minute I decided to try priceline. I had used it for hotels and airfare before and saved a little, not not a significant amount. So I put in a bid that was way to low, $5 more than the least expensive car you can rent (I had priced all the major rental companys) Well... We got it!! It was a Crysler and not the Mustang we hoped for, but hey, the top retracts, so i wasn't about to complain! So we have the plane tickets, we have a car and grandma let us stay at her house in Pinecraft, so we had a place to stay. We're ready for our trip...

Crash the Cat says "Excuse me human's, but it is 3am. Turn off the lights and go back to sleep!!"
Made it to the airport, parked the car, checked in, got through security with minimal issues, found our gate and now its time for breakfast. (Note Tom's early Christmas gift - Kindle)
In the air on the way to Atlanta - sunrise above the clouds
First views of Florida!!
To those of you who know grandma well, this is not her house: suprise # 2 of the trip (you will see #1 later) - Steve swapped houses with us, he gave us his current diggs with cable and a hot tub. He took the Pinecraft bungalo we all love, but has limited amenities. Thank's Steve (and Aunt Sue/Uncle Glen for ok'ing the swap!)
Suprise # 1 of the trip took place at the airport - it was not a crysler, but rather a 2011 Ford Mustang Convertible complete with a v6 engine. This is a very happy me in a very fun car!
bridges and palm trees - 2 of my favorite things!
This is a fully loaded Salty Dog, as seen on Man vs. Food - thats a 1/4 deep fried hot dog on a but loaded with 2 types of cheese, bacon, mushrooms, sourkraut - it was a once in a lifetime experience for Tom. I had a bite or four. It was pretty good actually. Found only at the Ol' Salty Dog, Sarasota Fl
View from our seats at the salty dog
More to come!!
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