Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

This has been a fantastic, if somewhat hectic weekend. Our friends, Matt and Erin, were married today (congrats guys, pictures to come!) I had the opportunity to introduce Tom to one of my favorite Goshen restaurants, the Southside Soda Shop. We had a great dinner Friday night, although we were too full to try dessert. Tom did have a Green River, which i think tastes like Sprite with green in it.

This is a view of the interior of the Soda Shop - I only had my cell phone, so the pics are not that great, but you get the basic idea

After dinner we went to JD & Jo's house to hang out. They taught us to play a new game, Settlers of Catan. Tom was a natural and won the first round he ever played (Yay!! Good job honey!) I was not a natural, but i got the idea eventually. It was a very fun game and we are hoping our Indianapolis friends might want to play sometime :)

As to Tom's "Honey Do List" seen below... He added most of those items himself. Not to mention he is quite excited to use his new leaf blower!



  1. I can't believe that you guys played Setlers!!! That was the first German game we played too, the one that got us hooked you might say. I think Greg tried to get everyone to play his German board games several times while we were in Goshen, but no one was very interested in learning all the rules. I can't wait to tell him you like Setlers!!! He'll have a cow!

  2. I LOVE the Soda Shop! Although I don't like the Green Rivers....waaaaay to sweet...but bring on the Vanilla Diet Cokes!
