At 31 your a bit old for gifts, but i might have to laugh about this years loot. Grandma gave me a lovely card and some money (thanks you Grammy!), Tom is taking me to Bloomington for some book shopping fun in a few weeks and (this is my moment of grownupness) my parents bought me a 6 foot step ladder. Now seeing as we are painting a house and had no ladder, this is a very practical and useful gift. At first, I must admit, i was a bit dissapointed. But then two things hit me. 1. those things are expensive and we really really need one 2. i'm getting married. Which means this is the gift that keeps on giveing. Tom can use my birthday gift for all kinds of things!! Hanging Christmas lights, changing light fixtures and light bulbs, cleaning vents, chasing cats out of trees, painting, washing windows and siding... the list goes on and on. (I am in SO much trouble when he sees this :)
I've mentioned before in this blog that it has been a very blessed year and hands down the best year of my life. I won't bore you with details, its pretty obvious just looking at this page that this is deffinatly a mountian year, not a valley year. I would however like to take a few moments, in pictures, to share with you some of the people who were with me and supported me in those years that were good in their own way, but not always as fun and joyful as this one has been.
krissa and i met in CA, while working in what is still the toughest job i have ever had. She became a life long friend and we shared many things, including being single longer than basically all of our friends. (she was one of the people who talked me into eharmony and was married the weekend before i met tom)
Meet Laura, (you know, Greg's wife, Laura!). I met Laura through her husband, who i worked with at Oaklawn. We quickly developed a friendship and for a long time we laughed because everyone called her "Greg's wife, Laura" Because we all new Greg, but Laura was new to us. She and Greg have moved to Kansas and I miss her lots! (Greg and Luke are featured in my last blog)
Meet Jen, mother of Nolan, wife of Kevin. I met Jen, like nearly all of my close friends, at Oaklawn. She is a women of much grace and compassion and I am blessed to call her my friend (and neigbor!) Jen has had a very busy year as well, she graduated with her MSW, moved into a new home and had a child within the last year!

This is Kevin on his 27th? birthday. I think it was before he was "officially" dating Jen. (he is pictured with Krista, who we miss because she ditched us for London!) Kevin is a man of intensity (and we love him for it!), as well as very supportive and understanding friend and somehow after a few years i once again find myself living within walking distance of his house.

Janellie!!! Ok, i'm the only one who calls her that. Meet Janelle, my cousin and wonderful friend. We have shared many fun adventures together including a road trip from San Fransisco, CA to Arthur, IL when i moved back to the midwest after spending some time in California. We also used to share "car issues" For several years, when she drove a neon and i drove a saturn, what happened to one would happen to the other. If she got pulled over, i was gonna get pulled over soon. I need new tires? So will janelle! Oh, and if one locks her keys in the car, the other better beware, it will happen within a few weeks! We now both have "healthy" cars. But we still drive to fast, get lost and lose our keys!

Phill!! I miss Phil! He used to live across the hall and within walking distance of my house. Then he moved and i moved and life went into fast forward. You can meet Phil at the wedding, hes gonna be an usher (i wonder if he would be willing to be the sound guy too?)
My mom and "sister aunts" (with Justin in the background) The older i get they more they become friends and sisters more than just aunts. They allow me to play "aunt" to their children and Karen is my "other mother" and is the one and only reason i ever had clean cloths during grad school
There are many people that i don't seem to have pictures of (i've crashed more than one computer, i think it was 5 in the last 3 - 4 years at last count)... Eric, Matt, Erin, Steve ("the uncle"), many family members and friends. the little photo review wasn't meant to be all inclusive. Its just a little walk down memory lane and a review of a very small percentage of the people who have blessed by life over the years. Thanks you.
PS It seems i forgot to download the pictures off of Tom's camera, so the latest updates on house paining will be blogged soon. Probably tomorrow or monday
you and both have a love hate relationship with computers... happy birthday good buddy!